An Expert Talk was held on 6th November from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm at A101 of the Institute of Technology. The Talk was delivered by Prof. Nitesh Chaudhary, from the Institute of Law, Nirma University, on the Topic “Caste in India & Reservations”. Prof. Chaudhary engaged in this Talk for the B. Tech Students from Semester I hailing from Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Branches. He drew a trajectory of the Caste-System in India, from the historical to the contemporary times. He also mentioned conceptual, critical and constitutional reflections on the Topic, covering it holistically with wide-ranging concerns regarding its dimensions. The Talk was followed by an engaging discussion on the Topic, with interesting questions put up by the Students. This Talk was organized by the Course Coordinator, Dr. Dhruv Pande as part of the Course “Contemporary India”.