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Dr. Aman Deep Singh presented paper on “Mapping Oil Ecologies: Commodity Frontiers and Resource Extraction in Helon Habila’s Oil Fiction Oil on Water (2010)”

Dr. Aman Deep Singh presented his research paper titled “Mapping Oil Ecologies: Commodity Frontiers and Resource Extraction in Helon Habila’s Oil Fiction Oil on Water (2010)” at the CEP International Conference Interweaving Anthropology, Science, and Narrative: Postanthropocentric Mappings in the era of Climate Crises Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur on 1st November, 2023.

Modern life is embedded in the discovery of oil and the usage of hydrocarbon fuels. Petrofiction offers scope for understanding the representation of oil aesthetics in literature. In the current Anthropocene age, in the matters about urgency surrounding the climate conversations around the globe, the relevance of oil narratives is heightened by their contribution to ecocriticism.